Transamerica Life Insurance Company information and what you need to know


 Transamerica Life Insurance Company History

Transamerica Life Insurance Company

Transamerica Life was formed in 1928 by A.P. Giannini as a holding company for Bank of Italy (later to become Bank of America) and his other business interests.

Transamerica then prospered with banking and non-banking activities (primarily insurance) for nearly 30 years, helping Giannini to achieve his dream of providing financial service to the general public.

Sometime in the mid 1980's Transamerica  underwent a major restructuring, and returned to its roots in financial services. Then the company acquired several financial services companies and sold other operations that were unrelated to its core businesses.

In the 1990's, Transamerica focused on its commitment to building shareholder value by being an industry leader in all of its principal businesses: life insurance, commercial lending, leasing and real estate services.

In July of 1999, Transamerica Life Insurance Company became part of AEGON N.V., based in The Netherlands, one of the world's leading international insurance organizations.

Transamerica Life Insurance Company Rating's & Financial Information

Transamerica Life's consistently has the highest of rating their insurance companies have received the the highest of ratings from the industry's most respected independent rating services..

Financial Strength Ratings for Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, and Transamerica Life Insurance Company. These Ratings are current as of March 2005

A.M. BestA+Superior
Standard & Poor'sAAVery Strong
FitchAA+Very Strong


The following figures are for Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (TFLIC), Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company (TALIAC), Transamerica Life Insurance Company (TLIC), and Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company (TOLIC) as of December 31, 2004.


Life Insurance In Force















Statutory Surplus





Transamerica Life Insurance Company contact information

As with any large Life Insurance company Transamerica has many departments with contact list's, below you will find the most widely used and helpful.

General Information

(800) 797-2643

Life Insurance Customer Service (800) 852-4678

Fixed Annuities Customer Service (800) 821-9090

Long-Term Care Insurance Customer Service (800) 227-3740

Variable Annuity Customer Service
(877) 717-8861

My Experience and Recommendations

Transamerica Life Insurance Companies in my experience and opinion is an outstanding well established life insurance company.  They have great products, are fairly competitive and outstanding underwriting.  If Transamerica has been a company that you have been looking at to handle some of your financial planning you have made a great choice.  Click here to learn more about Transamerica Life Insurance Company and life insurance related products. 

Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Transamerica Life Insurance Company, and Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company are members of the AEGON Insurance Group. For additional information about AEGON, please visit

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